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Anthological exhibition of the Virus Group

15 October 2022 - 15 January 2023

CATALOGUE and notes by A. Decristofaro

Dunes - utopian landscape arts



A research and creation project of Art in Nature that focuses on  relationships e  attractions including theater, visual arts, photography, video art, science, environment and  landscape, in search of new and transversal visions of the territory, new ways of living and enhancing it.

VIRUS Group: Nature is not indifferent - artistic installations - by Giulio Ceraldi, Consuelo Chierici Stefano Desantis, Giancarlo Savino

Nature is not indifferent it is an integral part of the planet. Man can rule, but he cannot touch what nature is. Harmony, distribution, nutrition. He can do without man; man cannot do without nature.

Urban Museum of Arts

A project of strategic detachment from closed structures, secluded and in some way extraneous to the city, such as galleries, museums, foundations, etc. to position expressive creativity right in the urban fabric. It is not simply a question of placing a contemporary sculpture in a square, even if this has not been achieved in Rome either, but rather of proposing reflective paths through works of art. 

The doors of the future

The project plans to set up a real visual education operational center. The aim is to raise awareness of art and beauty and its dissemination  as a feeling. This is a different way of teaching, a dynamic vision and  innovative capable of forming, as well as a practical action, the beginning of a path that will have as its goal the education to "beauty" and, therefore, a start to respect for all artistic expressions by the new generations.

Corviale  frates , between memory and contemporaneity

In formulating the project, we examined the historical aspect of the territory. Starting from the presence of the people of the Arvali who lived right between Corvial and Magliana. A domination and a culture headed by Romulus himself, will then be the foundation stone of that imperial Rome that will dominate the world for years.  

Make a project that can bring to light the cultural roots of the territory, with works of art and decoration that can give the emotion and the sense of beauty to which everyone is entitled.

Also work with waste materials. Those waste produced by unnecessary consumption, which even in economically depressed situations, or perhaps precisely because of this, come to engulf the eye, seemed to us a good start.

Dying is not an inconvenience  

The economic and financial crisis provides an impeccable alibi for the disappearance of public clients, whose roots are first and foremost cultural, as evidenced by the lack of artistic training of the majority of politicians, councilors and officials; just look at the modern urban decorations that “embellish” Italian squares and gardens; or the indiscriminate use of street art as an artificial covering of urban decay, now functional to institutional inertia in the maintenance of public affairs, and indeed complicit in its self-fulfillment.   

One wonders why artists today are not called to give their contribution of ideas and imagination; so that, for example, they are not involved in a process of emotional rehabilitation of death, of celebrating the grand finale of humanity.  

To them, the artists could be entrusted with the sentimental redevelopment of mortuaries in hospitals, the spiritual welcome of those who will pass through them, the consolation that only art, not because it is beautiful but because it is useful, can give to pain. 

© 2020 by Virus group-Corviale International Center of Arts

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